7:00pm: Why react is slow and how to make it faster, Justin Menestina, OmniSci Inc,
7:30pm: Material Components for React, Matt @moog16, Google
8:00pm: Using React and WebGL to help archaeologists, @ksjogo
Why react is slow and how to make it faster
- Justin:
- 2015 app academy graduate
- remote from denver
- react performance: expection vs reality
- toy app: 16 comp, 60 fps
- real work app: 2 sec to load, slow to shutter when scrollling
- where did you go wrong?
- render!!!!
- many unnecessary calls of render
- overview of react lifecycle
- application state changes -> react recursively renders
- virtual dom -> don’t have control
- rendering -> do have control
- why is render the bottleneck?
- extra rendering causes extra jas work to be done ~16ms
- js eecution => application change, rendering, reconciliation oand dom updating
- browser work (reflow and painting)
- developer can control rendering
- how to control component rendering
shouldComponentUpdate = (nextProps, nextState) => {
// true -> render
// false -> not rerender
- Using react.purecomponent
- Anti patternrs: fuinction references: the bad
- do not use
- not to send new object
- do not create state mismatch within render
- do not use
- anti patternes: function references: the good
- bind in the constructor
- list child component -> just pass function name, let child component handle key(index)
- something not change use constant
- any expaneisve operation -> return the same reference, so it won’t trigger re-rendering
- purecomponent caveats and best practices
- don’t usre purecomponent eerywhere
- even a shallow check has overhead and extensive, unnecessary use can cause more performance issue
- Do place purecomponents strategically to reduce rendering of expensive components
- react-redux’s connect is an example of this pattern… look into
- string, undefined === they are the same object
- performance of FC(functional components)
- const Compe = () => () type
- can’t control render
- benchmarking
- use chrome dev tool to figure out
- takeaways
- renders are generally the performance botttleneck
- control rendering by implementing shouldComponentUpdate or using PureComponent
- if using PureComponent, avoid changing refereces to function, objects or arrays unless the value or behaviour has changed
- use a combination of componet, pure component and Fuctional Components to acheve best performance
- Always use benchmark tooling to put numbers to performance issues
Material Componets for React
- talk slide
- What is Material Design?
- https://material.io
- make beautiful products, faster. design system
- guideline, ios, android, flutter
- tools: https://material.io/tools
- gallery (share mocks and redlines)
- icons (over 4000 icons)
- and more!!
- MDC React architecture
- MDC Web -> vanilla js, MDC React -> react
- MDC React
- 60 live components
- MDC Web
- [adapter, foundation, component]
- MDC Web [component, foundation/adapter]
- MDC React
- MCWC(Polymer)
- Maybe more…
code examples, foundation, adapter, react components
adapter.addClass, componentDidCreated(...)
Chip, ChipSet from ‘@material/react-chips’
Feedback.js from github examples
- MDC will make my life easier
- icons
- you’re not alone
Active support!
- discord: discordapp.com/invite/material
- github issues
Using React and WebGL to help archeologists
Johannes ‘ksjogo’ Goslar
Reflectance Transformation Imaging
- Developed at HP in 2001 as Polynomial Texture Mapping
- Capturing an object
- Dynamic relighting and an anlaysis(without physical process)
- 28 light source
- calculate surface normal
- capture > process RTIBuilder > View RTIViewer
- scientific code
- support for PTM and RTI file format
file format
- check this library out
const shaders = Shader.creawte({
helloGL: {
frag: GLSL
class Example
render (
- mobx
- another state library
- Demo
- electron app
- takeaways
- use gl-react library
- https://github.com/ksjogo/oxrti
- app academy
- chase
- omni-sci, david vp of eng
- formerly mapd -> analytics company
- platform,front -> react
- db and rendering engine, backend running on gpu
- 30 ms in billion rows
- class 3 funding just passed
- linsien -> direct of engineering for frontend