Posted on:April 23, 2024 at 02:30 AM

Making Private Helm Repo

Making Private Helm Repo

Private Helm Charts

1. Using this One Concern Helm Repo:

Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm’s documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add onec

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages.

You can then run helm search repo onec to see the charts.

2. Charts currently being serviced

➜  onec-helm-charts (main) ✔ helm search repo onec
onec/built-object-service	2.0.0        	           	A Helm chart for built-object-service
onec/dna-api             	0.1.0        	1.0        	Helm chart for installing the dna-api in Kubern...
onec/global-calculator   	0.1.0        	1.0        	Helm chart for deploying global-calculator Pref...
onec/hazard-map-service  	0.1.0        	0.0.1      	A Helm chart for Kubernetes

3. How to add new package to the helm repo

  1. make a package from the chart
helm package ./built-object-service
## this will generate built-object-service-2.0.0.tgz
  1. copy the package file(*.tgz) file to charts directory

  2. Run the helm index command to update the index

helm repo index . --url

It will generate index.yaml file at the root of the project

  1. Make a commit and push the commit to origin

4. Deployng the app using the charts

  1. generate values files
helm show values onec/built-object-service > bos/values.yaml
  1. Edit the values.yaml file as needed

  2. Deploy each app

helm secrets upgrade \
--install \
-f bos/values.yaml \
--set image.tag=v2.22.2-5-g23a17e7d \
--wait \
--namespace built-object-service \
built-object-service \