Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
San Jose Convention Center, 210A
1. browser team
2. Deep Learning in Your Browser: Powered by WebGL
3. WebXR Device API
4. three.js 8 years
5. glTF Ecosystem update
6. Cesium, 3d mapping platform autonomous car capabilities
1. browser team
- luma.gl from uber
- threejs.org/examples/#webgl_lines_fat
- Google and Mozilla WebGL Implementors will give us an update on “What’s Next” in WebGL
2. Deep Learning in Your Browser: Powered by WebGL
- slideshare: https://www.slideshare.net/ocampesato/deep-learning-keras-and-tensorflow
- oswald campesato [email protected]
- intro to ai/ml/dl
- linear regression
- activation/cost functions
- gradient descent
- back propagation
- hyper-parameters
- what are the CNN
- webgl and dl
the data/ai landscape
the offical start of AI 1956
- john macarthy
- cloud shannon
- MIT,
- traditional AI: rule based
Neural Network with 3 Hidden Layers
- cost function, gradient descent, learning rate
linear regression
- MSE -> cost function
- house property
- multiple property -> multiple axis -> dimensions
activation function
- ReLU
- relu6 (only in tensorflow), elu
- relu is most popular
sample cost functions
- MSE, ??, ??
CNN s RNN###
- CNN: good for image processing and audio
- https://github.com/PAIR-code/deeplearnjs/tree/master/demos
3. WebXR Device API
Brandon Jones (Google) - Brandon will give us an update on the WebXR initiative
- @tojiro
- [email protected]
- brandon jones
- emmersive experience
- no backwards compatibility with webvr
- well behaved webvr apps should port easily
- future proofing, future proofing, future proofing
- cleaner api
- more compatible devices
- support for ar
4. three.js 8 years
Ricardo Cabello (aka Mr Doob) will be giving us some insight into the latest ThreeJS features.
cool webvr demo
self-rendering objects
reflactor + refractor
GCode Loader
GLTFExporter @fernandojsg, @takahirox
- create a mesh and texture
- download as gltf
- upload to facebook
- now you have a 3d post in facebook
webvr/webxr support
Interactive scene
5. glTF Ecosystem update
NVIDIA - Neil Trevett -
- glTF, cross platform 3d asset transmission
- audio: mp3, video: h.264, images: jpeg, 3d: gltf
gltf momentum
- creation tools
- apps and engines
- 3d contents
- users
gltf highlisghts at gdc
- facebook suppports gltf
- sketchfab: 150K gltf models
- adobe dimension adopting gltf
- unity using gltf
- unreal 4.19, metal + PBR
- tools
draco 3d compression
- 3d compression => 10 times
- creating draco compressed gltf
- AMD Compressonator
- FBX2glTF
- glTF pipeline
- insimo
- accessing draco
- https://github.com/google/draco/tree/gltf_2.0_draco_extension
- c++ encoder and decoder
- js and webassembly decoders
- https://github.com/google/draco/tree/gltf_2.0_draco_extension
- products
- office, minecraft, simplygon, paint3d, remix3d 3d buliter
- babylon.js, gltf-vscode, unitygltf, gltf-webgl-pbr
consistent rendering over multiple engines
- three.js _ gltfloaders
- github, khronos group
gltf roadmap discussion
- make sure ecosystem is rubust
6. Cesium, 3d mapping platform autonomous car capabilities
Patrick Cozzi - Patrick will be presenting on some really cool stuff he’s been working on having to do with autonomous driving vehicles using WebGL.
- free ebook, 23 chapters