[0700.. 0800] Lingfei Meng (MuraVision) - Muravision makes a device that does scan-based PBR texturing. He will be there to give a brief talk on PBR textures and also to give a live demonstration.
[0800..0830] Josh Carpenter and Iker Jamardo (Google) - Experiments in AR for the Web
[0830..0900] Gareth Morgan (Axum Graphics) - Axum Graphics is developing, Auteurist. It is an entirely WebGL-based 3D content creation tool for filmmakers, that renders photo-realistic video (both conventional and 360-degree).
[0900..0930] Jamieson Brettle (Google) - Overview of the Draco project which is focusing on compressing 3D assets for delivery on the web. They are working towards having Draca be part of the glTF2.0 specification.
[0920..0940] Will Eastcott (PlayCanvas) - PlavCanvas has some exciting updates to share with the group having to do with AR....
[] Tony Parisi (Unity) - Tony will give us an update on the state of glTF. *IF* he's not traveling to New York on the 28th.
MURA vision
- Lingfei Meng
- pbr based texture scanner
- http://www.muravision.com/
- BRDF - Physically based rendering
- scanner can scan 20cm x 2cm
- Big one can scan 50cm x 50cm
- demo_sektop_scan
- scanner to get -> color, diffuse, specular, opacity, roughness, depth, glossiness, normal,
- mamoset toolbag 3.03 -> very simple renderer
- business model: sell the scanner($90k) or sell the scanned material ($130 per scan)
- application: subscantance designer
- PBR : glossiness, mathematical representation of texture
- packages in mdl.
- depth 16 bit, others 8 bit
The Argumented Reality Web
Iker Jamardo (daydream webxr tech lead) @judax & Josh Carpenter (ux lead, daydream webxr, canadian) @joshcarpenter
Argon Browser v4, AR browser for mobile
AR.js https://github.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/blob/master/README.md
AR + ARCore, uses webasembly
hundreads of millions of devices will soon have basic AR capabilities
WebAR at I/O, Tango project
these builds were build on top of WebVR 1.1 and enabled
- accurate motion tracking
- way to composite the pass through camera feed and the virtual scene
- a way to understand the world
Room scan => from tango device
Space Puppy,
point cloud
from these builds, we learned
- that being able to synchronize the motion tracked pose and the rendering of the pass through camera feed in Chrominum is not trivial, as WebGL’s command buffer makes rendering asynchronous..
- That the initial names for the new features were not ideal!
Fast forward to august
expose an experimental API extension to WebVR 1.1. to privide AR capabilities on top of IOS ARKit and Android ARCore:
- 6 DOF device motion tracking: through the webvr 1.1 api
- Learning from ARKit and ARCore APIs
- Explorer AR integration in the browser stack
- enabling delveopers to experiment early
community experiments
webgl based graffiti
expose plannes -> surfaces
UJI primitives
three.js + css only -> made an AR, google doodles!
We also seen similar hybird apps
- active theory thee.js-powered arkit app
- sketch fab arkit app
- mobizlla webxr for iso: github.com/mozilla/webxr-ios
- stink stuidos’ arkit-web’ :github.com/stinkstudios/arkit-web
What’s next
- explanier for AR on the web
- coorporation between borser vendors
- protyping use cases and design principles
all will be opensource in 2 weeks
building with webgl + special version of chronmnium
- Gareth Morgan (Axum Graphics)
- WebGL based contents creation tool
- announcement: W3C november 6th, session at 1:30pm declarative web vr
- https://axumgfx.com/
- 360 degree video
- conventional video
- stereoscopic 360 video
- browser based => rendering on the cloud
- frontend: three.js, backend: python flask, mongodb
- render farm with radeon pro -> streaming services
- final output render to vimeo
- https://vimeo.com/ => vr video, sample 260 degree video
- https://www.axum.graphics
- raedon renderer pro??
- using renderstorm for backend
Draco 3D Compression
- draco -> 3d compression codec for web, opensourced since jan 2017
- https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/draco-3d/#0
- super fast on the web
- Jamieson Brettle (Google)
- compare gzip vs draco
- encoder.decoder just released encoder
- draco 1.x release
- webassembly decoder, 2x faster decode speed,
- js encoder
- npm package
- draco extension to glTF 2.0
- glTF 2.0 renders with draco
- three.js
- babylon.js
- sample models
- https://goo.gl/s8Acmd
- accessing draco
- Songbird
- https://github.com/google/songbird
- creating and rendering ambisonic signals
- written in js
- raytracing in sounds
- recalcualte the sound source based on the postion of the actor in the scene
- adding a source
- paranode? compatitor of songbird
the web-first game engine https://playcanvas.com/
https://github.com/playcanvas Will Eastcott (PlayCanvas), since 2011
platform for making interactive contents
like unity, runs on browser
playcanvas ar ->
getUserMedia/Stream API
- you can now make browser based AR with JS
- capturing the camera stream
var constraints = {}
var promise = navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(const)
var vide = document.createElement(;video')
video.setAttributes(''); # for full screen
video.srcObject = stream;
- playcanvas editor and code
- creating AR marker on the playcanvas editor with ui or code
var hiro = new pc.Entity("Hiro Marker")
hiro.script.create("arMarker", {attributes: {}});
- problem with ARtoolkit
- requires printing of markers
- sensitive to lighting conditions
- sensitive to camera hardware
- cpu intensive
- hiring WebGL ninjas
- animation FBX, -> converted the json. keyframe
- 150kb library