Write a 3D Desktop Application using Node.js March 8 · 6:00 PM Autodesk Gallery 6:30 PM
- github -> electron tutorial https://github.com/shiya/electron-tutorial https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1X06ZLgUBDOzR9DaGCvmuiTYEsAWtA9qwXsVVLU4zAp0/edit#slide=id.p
Desktop to Web
- WebGL
- nodejs
- company moving to cloud
- no more desktop app -> moving to web app
- app ->
- server, interface (backend -> frontend)
- desktop app with js
- native desktop apis
- easy deploy to local machine
- write in js
- installed app has the same ui as the website
- visual studio code and atom is written in electron
- word press, skype, slack app is built with electron
- two most popular framework to write application with js
- electron, nw.js (node webkit.js)
supports webgl right out of the box
autodesk forge viewer
js lib for 3d stuff