Posted on:March 7, 2017 at 01:13 PM

React Meetup At Pinterest

React Meetup At Pinterest

20170307 react meetup

  • pinterest



  • M2M - monolith to microsities

  • google pagespeed

  • today

    • data: [sql server, mongo, elastic search]
    • service: [user, availtiy, reservation, restaurant, cuisines, offers]
    • experience: [home, geo, profile, search, rest ref, mobile web]
    • react, redux, immutablejs, infermojs, node 7, express, hapi, es 7 /babel
    • performance 48 to 98
    • simplicity - react on way binding, isomorphic rendering, predictability
    • state replication
    • component composability
    • progressive streaming/rendering
    • deployment in less than 5 minutes

Evolution of Pintereset Web

  • old stack: 2014 django, jinja, backbone,
  • new stack:
  • roadmap to react
    • 2014 -> common js -> render consolidation -> nunjucksification -> sever-side nunjucks -> react nunjucks bridge -> now

How we migrated pintereset profiles to react

  • why react? 2013
  • no code freeze
  • rewrite the whole app from scratch is risky and expensive
  • how can we avoid this?
    • migrate piece by piece
  • hybrid app
    • two frameworks for a certain period of time
    • transition from old framework to new framework
  • challenges
    • javascript rendering on the server-side
    • react render: components inside your old framework
    • make sure new UI performs well
    • adapter for old data sources
  • server-side nunjucks

{ % block content % }

    { % for pin in pins %}
  • { {module('Pin', data=pin)} }
  • { % endfor % }
{ % endblock % }
- server-side before - user agent -> web app, python django web server -> api - server-side after - user agent -> web app => api - web app -> worker (node restify server rendering nunjucks) - Denzel-React Bridge // Denzel Component in Nunjucks { {module(DenzelPin, {pinId: '123'} ) } }

// React component in Nunjucks { {component(ReactPin, {pinLd: ‘123’} ) } }

class DenzelReactBridge extends Modue { onAddedToDom() {

} }

  • A/B testing framework { % if context.inExperiment(‘react’) % } { {component(ReactPin, {pinId: ‘123’} ) } } { % else % } { {module(DenzelPin, pinId=‘123’)} } { % endif % }
  • adapters for old resources
  • 20% domInteractive response end boardpage views
  • 10% pinpageviews profile page views

modernizing legacy codebases with redux(npr)

  • NPR: national public radio

  • justin bachorik


  • 10+ years website

    • jquery, jquery plugins,
    • backbone, mustache, handlebar
    • flash
    • new features
  • tough decisions ahead

  • (Re)introduction to redux

  • redux: applicaiton state { audioUrl:, duration: 139, isPlaying: true }

  • redux: actions { type: Actions.TOGGLE_PLAY }

  • redux: reducers _ has to be pure _ immutability (state, action) => state

const Player = (state, action) - { switch(action.type) { case Actions.TOOGLE_PLAY } } * Redux: Store api * getState() * dispatch(action) * subscribe(listener) * Redux: unidrectional data flow * store, reducer, state, view(react), action * Redux: middleware const myMiddleware = store => next => action => { // @todo: something useful? return next(action); } const myMiddleware = ({dispatch, getState}) => next => action => { // @todo: something useful? return next(action); }
const myMiddleware = ({dispatch, getState}) => next => action => { // @todo: something useful? return next(action); } * example: outgoing data * Redux: Outgoing middleware const outgoingMiddleware = { { getState } } => next => action => { // @todo: something useful? return next(action) } * Redux: Incoming middleware const incoming = { { dispatch } } => next => action => { if(!inited) { ${'document'}.on('stationChanged', station => dispatch( { type: Actions.STATION_CHANGED, station })) } } * So what?
  • Steps
    • step0: start even smaller
      • learn, get a feel
      • build process to webpack was hard
      • good culture of testing
    • step 1: start small
    • step 2: teach your app to communicate
    • step 3: world domination
  • use middleware to isolate legacy code and new code
  • require.js r.js



  • david wells

  • building static website with react & phenomic mooc/phrnomic

  • future stack

    • npm, postcss, webpack, phenomic, disqus, auth0, css modules, react, redux
  • dynamic vs static

  • dynamic ->

  • static website -> no hacking, cdn,

  • supersimple.

    • md -> contents
    • pheonomic -> contents generator, react + webpack
  • cheap -> s3, neifify => really free. nenofy?, namofy?

  • dynamic + static

  • serverless ->

  • search engine indexable

  • service workers npm run build

  • lambda function as html

    • scale for you
    • pretty good with spotty traffic: auto scaling
  • App & Site

  • webpack - offline