GPU Technology Conference
- [0747] GPU Technology Conference
- WebGL and WebVR
- earth: a primer: app, check it out with kids
- cabbibo -> the speaker, twitter and github
- unity and webgl
- web -> make quickly and share quickly
Google chrome team
- WebGL2 -> OpenGL 3
- moving around all in GPU
- Transform feed
- leap motion
- android google chorome for android 2
- web gl 2 samples
- UPen team -> open gl samples
- search for webgl2samples -> github
- 3D texture
- texture upload parameter should be working
- Unity
- Building and Runnng a WebGL Project
- big deal -> any unity project
- their 20M runtime is messive
- web assembly support -> prototype phase: google, edge and firefox
- this is a very big contributuion
- about: flags -> look for flag: web gl 2
- will be released from 2 hours
- Intel, nvidia made a huge contribution
- es3 -> features: glsl
- mobile chrome:
- 2 months from now webgl2 will be out to any desktop and any mobile
- blacklisting some old phones
- all the recent phones are ready
- as soon as it’s passing the test
- conformance test -> c++ to js: having some issues
State of WebVR
- Spring 2016
- bringing the HMD to WebVR
- WebVR is
- js api, display webgl contents
- poll headset pose (position/orientation)
- [Enter VR(E)]
WebVR 1.0
- Simplified API
- Single VRDisplay for each piece of hardware
- Using TypedArrays instead of DOMPoint
- Removed configuratble Field of View
- Clear names (VRPose instead of VRPositionState)
- Controller are NOT part of WebVR
- working on extending gamepad api instead
- new presenatation model
- no longer based on fullscreen api
- vrr-specific request animation frame
- explict submit frame
- advanced mirroring
- confiurable eye viewports (mono rendering)
- focus on presenting webgl canvas v1
- demos
- capabilities reporting
- hasPosition/hasOrientation
- hasExternalDisplay
- canPresent
- Room scale support
- matrix to transform from “sitting” to “standing” space (floor at Y=0)
- size of play area in meters
- easier to polyfil
- new webvr polyfill is much more complete implmentation of the API
- Use polyfill link
- some work to be done
- only supports on windows and mobile only
- latency
- hardware sdk
- gamepad api
- What is it good for
- not for AAA games
- 360 videos and photos
- everything in between
- brandon jones @tojiro
- gear vr => WIP, browser exp is very good
- Neil Trevett
- TF => transmission format
- audio:mp3:napster, video:h.264:youtube, image:jpeg:facebook, 3d:??:??
- format for representing the scenes
- materials and textures
- geometry and hierarcy
- skin and animation
- glTF = > GL transmission format
- runtime asset format for webgl, open gl and open gl application
- compact repreesentation for download efficiency
- glTF internal
- JSON describe node hierarity .gltf -> json describe node hierarchy, material, cameras .bin -> gemoetry: verts and indicex .glsl .png.jpg
- gltf examples
- gltf -> jsonnode
- gltf ecosystems
- tool(blender), translator, validator, engines
- collada to glTF
- three.js, babylon.js -> gltf engine => xeoEngine, PEX, CESIUM
- validator RFQ is open
- glTF 1.0 spec is finalized 2015 oct
- glTF extensions
- KHR_binary-glTF
- EXT_quantized_attributes (vendor extensions)
- MPEG 3D mesh compression (in porgression) 40-80% compression
- loyalty free
- gltf is richer than fbx
- most of enignes are intersted. also unity
- microsoft -> 3mf : 3d printing
- gltf -> scene graph
Jaume Sanchez ## @ thespite
shader editor => google chrome extension: good for debugging and hacking the shaders
polygon shredder
EXT_disjoint_timer_query + rAF + rIC rstats-extension-webGL/WebVR
web gl shader editor: chrome editor - developer tab:
it makes the development easier
- rstats -> another google chrome extension
- to measure FPS to see EXT_disjoint_timer_query
- 10.4ms 96FPS, rAF: 16.6ms, 60.5 FPS
- rIC: 2.3 ms, 458.0FPS
- drawCalls 5