Aug 10–14 2014 / Vancouver
Day 1: AUG 10 2014, SUNDAY
DAY 1 [1130..1230] nVidia see the big picture
- largest flat wall screen
- immersive displays
- MOSAIC with sync
- sync’s up to 4 gpus in workstations
- visbox, cave, quadro K5000 + 6000
- Quadro Sync
- 40 quadro sync cards in a cluster
- control via NVAPI
- control + monitor using NVWMI
- BARCO/Elimit
- not every surface is flat
- projection correction
- curved surfaces
- projection mapping
- projection mappping on to a one fifth scale physical car
- quadro features for high resolution display walls
- GPU direct 4
- 4K at 60Hz
- Warp + Intensity API
- NVAPI/NVWMI – promatically control driver, remotely control remote gpu
- From SD to 8K
- exponontial Pixel Growth
- from HD to 4K & Beyond
- 1080p
- UHD 4K – 3840×2160
- DCI 4K – 4096×2160
- DILA 4K – 4096×2400
- Driving ultra high res displays
- max single cable bandwithds
- DP
- version 1.2 upto 4k@60Hz
- version 1.1a upto 4K@30Hz
- 2.0
- drive multi-displays
- independent desktops
- with MOSAIC
- one large desktop: 4K 16 monitors
- MOSAIC supported on NVS + quadro
- unified desktop up to 15 displayes
- “mosaic with sync” features
- seamless tear-free displays
- sli bridge K6000, K5000
- why is sync important?
- multi-gpu sync
- framelock
- stereo lock
- swap lock
- vertical sync
- framelock/genlock
- stereo lock
- swap buffers
- taking longer than 1/60 sec
- swap buffers in a cluster
- each nodes with different fps(60/30/15/10 fps)
- need a mechanism to ensure that each node will swap at the same time
- nvidia opengl extension (via nvapi)
- swap group and swap barrier
- swap group -> provides synchronizaiton multiple gpus in a sigle host
- swap barrier -> provides syncronization of gups accross multiple nodes
- use rj45
- what sync do
- sync multiple display
- coordinate buffer swaps
- align the scan out of multpile display, gpus systems
- maintain stereo alignment
- sync to an internal or external timing
- G-SYNC game monitors
- different approach -> tells display when to update
- instead of wait until vsync happens
- bezel and overlap correction
DAY 1 [0200,,..0300]
exchanging the material information
nvida mdl = material definition language
nvida ARC team
nvida iray
Iray Photoreal -> Iray interactive
nVidia UI composer
MDL usage example
- iray photoreal
nvidia iray
Iray 2014 Rendeing modes
- realtime – fast, 15pfs ~ 60 fps
- interactive – middle 20 fps ~ 2 fps
- photoreal – best, 10fps ~ min
traditional shading language part
- texturing => material definition => material implementation
new say
- proedural programming language
- declarative material definition
- Renderer
- rasterizer
- raytracer
- pathtracer
MDL is not a shading language
- materail
- surface: bsdf(scattering), emission(edf, emission) intensity
- volume: vdf scattering, scattering_coefficent, abosrption_coeffcient
- geometry: displacement, cutout_opacity, normal,
- backface
- ior, thin_walled
- materail
MDL: elemental distribution functions
- BSDF(bidirectional scattering distribution functions)
- EDF(emissive distribution functions)
- VDF(Volumen distribution functions)
distribution function combiner
- normalized mix, clamped mix, weighted layer
- fresnel layer, custom curve layer, measured curve layer
measured materials
- fast scan for believealbe material
- quantitative measurements for predictive rendering
- there is a device to measure the lights
AxF from X-Rite Spatially Varying (SV) BRDF
- Analytic material model
- measurement drives model parameters
- paper: Practical SVBRDF capture in the frequency domain, siggraph 2013
measured isotropic BRDF
- 3d data
- can be used as any other SBDF in MDL
- device to get light : radiant zemax imaging spheres device
Improving Dark Grazing Angles
procedural proramiming language
- pure, side-effect free functions with read-only render state
- texture lookup
- texture placement
- proedural textures
- Iray 2013: Built-in functions provide a flexible instruction set for runtime execution
- Iray 2014: fully programmable environment – clouded sky video
- Iray 2015: full programmability – without losing GPU acceleration
- pure, side-effect free functions with read-only render state
C-like language
additionals benefits of MDL
- physically-based materials are an easy-to-use paradigm
- supports modern rendering algorithms
- allows simple compilers and early optimizations
- enables fast rendrers, especially on parallel architectures
- GPU firendly
- supports material catalogs
Practical layered material example
- customer asked a “shader” to render realizstic cloth materials
- color changes and complex
- reference for requirement
- “a practical microcylinder appearance model for cloth rendering”, sig 2013, iman sadeghi
- usually this endes up complex, rendering engine dependent shader code
- core ideas from the paper
- if far, it’s not distinguishable
- cloth has complex anisotropic behavior
- threads are bent which creates secondary highlights
- warp and weft might be of different olors, -> complex color variation.. 90 vertical, 0 horizontal
- make it in MDL
- warp -> anisotropic glossy BSDF
- weft -> anisotropic
- warp + weft -> complex reflective behavior of cloth
- transluenccy
- the full material
- customer asked a “shader” to render realizstic cloth materials
just by using mdl, building blocks
- no more complex shader writing
- good building blocks
MDL in commercial products
- Iray for Maya
- mental ray
- Sketch up . bloom unit
- realistyServer BIM IQ
- UI composer
- nvidia Iray viewer
- download
- nvidia Iray viewer
at the end of 2014
- mentalray will support iray
- IT’S
supporting MDL
- MDL specification is publicically available
- MDL SDK => part of Iray SDK
- contailns compiler and optimizer
- Lightworks
- nvidia’s partenr in Iray and MDL on your application
- MDL specification is publicically available
- => Iray => MDL
- lightworks design booth #916
DAY 1 [0300..0430]
- BLENDER FOB, room 3 east hall
- 5 mil downloades, 1% active user => 50,000 active users?
- open source
- ILM – openexr, alembic
- pixar – opensubdiv
- sony – open shading/color/image
- disney – ptex
- blender foundation
- found in 2002 june
- hires 5 devs for support work
- handle donations and store incomes
Day 2: AUG 11 2014, MONDAY
DAY 2 [1000..1100]
- BOF First Steps in Large-Scale Rendering
- [susan(pixar, white blonde), xx(), xx, xx, xx, david(pixar 19 years)] panel
- pixar david, 19
- ruca, from cube
- ?? from singapore
- **, toonbox
- **, google, softare in pixar and animallogic
- susan: pixar global rendering
- Mark Hills
- David Laur
- [email protected]
- big farm problem
- selling softare for the small render farms
- growing your farm
- some caution
- hetro geneous workers
- HPC (high performance computing)
- very often it’s linux because of the
- multiple levels of caches in pixar render farm
- go for memory upgrade
- it’ll be better on IO node
- using farm for computing, processing, simiulation, general purposes
- 95% is rendering in pixar -> because of the GI
- 5% is simulation, using all IO
- segement the pool
- remote rendering
- route the low IO
- desktop is high end gpus
- linux =>
- who’s doing GPU based the farm stuff
- use GPU based farm
- one frame per core
- 4G per slot -> number of thread
- bottle neck -> droppping
- finding the sweat shop
- killing the machine
- keeping the tap on the production
- multiple layers of controls
- most of the queueing
- multipile jobs coming in a smaller scope
- 8 years ago, hope, multithreaded
- the realizity -> it’s not scale
- 24 core machines into 6-8 blocks
- different versions and renders
- 60% utilization=> cpu
- threading control
- 70-80%
- always battle with cpu utilization with the vray settings
- renderman, arnold
- licensing ->
- 1 license per machine -> tanking with jobs in one machine
- rendering in the cloud
- local farm busy
- during the spike -> send to the remote farm
- keep high io local
- pick the high io render
- how to pick high io???
- data transfer to the remote is an issue..
- make it fast to get it back and forth
- latency between the managed render service ??
- remote mounting from the
- traffic is
- syncing based file system
- asset management is structured.
- checking out in the cloud
- 10Mbit -> typical studio
- speed of the turn out
- 1Gbit -> at teast for studio
- i think we have 20G bit
- pixar -> centralized in house *
- small studio needs a turn key solution ???
- provision them remote
- sync or reupte
- upload mananged servcies -> recommended??
- upload the files through the web interface -> not good
- too slow
- managed service..don’t give you a lot of support, email that’s it
- cost of the administration
- configuration management software
- multithreading on the virtual machines
- provisioning the vm
- get the core.
- gareenteed the core, io -> provision
- nfs over the network -> latency and slowness, cache on vps
- get the core.
- is it a nfs, real solution??
- segarate the traffic -> read from textrue, write to other file
- traffic graph -> on the farm mount, know right away which file system is saturating the network
- nfs
- solution for the small company,
- caching and latency
- capital expance vs operation cost -> tax credit, decision where to go
- financial advantage,, not only technical values
- shortlist of priorities *
- software tagging on the worker
- scripts needed for rendring
- how to wrap around?
- send all render as an one big script?
- wrapper script, lock
- artists setup and the farm
- design and the pipeline
- opensource scheuler ??
- 2 yeras ago -> liek 10
- opendrag,,
- good reference
- best support of the vendors of the queuing software
- amazon mka
DAY 2 [0530..0700]
- threading
- threading => intel tbb: use it all of them
- openmp
- c++ thread
- boost threadin
- problems
- standarize tbb
- pixar’s system => presto
- the reality is
- use tbb
- multithread vfx
- multhreading and vfx .com
- get the contact information
- using tbb ->
- anyone using tbb
- in gaming company, are using tbb on multiple gaming project
- platform specific apis
- internal framework wrapper
- os differences
- how do you finetuning betwen the different flatforms
- follow the least constraints
- what’s your targets? -> 4 cores?
- job based, use core until the jobs done
- until the stop is locked
- game
- do you know anything that will scale to?
- 12 or 16 cores?
- why not tbb?
- openmp is easier
- tbb, not good for length
- microsft tpl -> we use opensource
- c++ standard will have something similar
- similar to c++ 0x
- jame from intel
- a few thoughts from intel’s perspective
- true industry implementations
- open cl, openmp port io,
- standard is slow
- tbb or current collections?
- 2007 -> tbb, filling the gaps
- lambda in c++11
- gpu computing
- cuda vs opencl
- sebastian from nvida
- 4 categories of reasons to use gpu computing
- hardware: unified virtual memory. get the variables, fully debuggerable hardware.
- tools do debug memory,
- profiling
- collection of libs
- threast?, has cpu fall back
- optics lib, raytracing on the gpu
- what’s holiding up?
- industry standards? -> monopoly
- how serious
- sweat spot?
- highly unpredictable
- why not use gpu?
- unified memory -> mem and gpu ram
- like to debug.
- gpu = 100x of cpu
- honest pair cpu vs gpu: 5 to 10x
- rasment in disney animation studio
- gpu 2x4x speed up
- real optimzation on cpu
- got 20 to 30x in the cpu
- real problem not doing much of gpu
- volitability of the environment, hardware and display driver
- was painful 2-3 years on linux
- design algorith that can scale
- 10 of 1000s of threads
- why not use cuda?
- code maint cost
- design first on cpu
- weta digital
- just optimizing and profiles
- gpu 2x4x speed up
- really goes down to standard platform
- standard c++, opencl, tbb
- cuda is getting mature
- larger data set -> 28G ram
- need a bigger memory
- trying
- 10G memory footprint on window.
- gpu with 24G ram
- why do we need gpu?
- care about the energy efficiency?
- data center cooling problmes
- battery hot, cooling
- performace and cooling?
- power distribution in the data center
- DOE, exso scale comuting
- 1000 cores -> parallel programming
- what goes inside of the cpu
- energy efficient -> time efficient
- avoid moving the data around
- optimizing the data movement
- main memory vs cpu or gpu
- data movment within the chip, l1, l2 and registers
- triple nested for loop to pass the asignment ->
- intel xxx using what/
- assignment from the code
- intel vtune amp -> cpu and memory bandwith per socket
- mpc : layer upon layer *
- autodesk maya animation
- 95%
- using tbb
- dreamworks session -> two way to improve
- graph level parallism =>
- node level parallism =>
- motion builder -> make it past?
- threading at the beginning
- internal scheduler
- thread classes
- split and runnign as they want
- story tool
- not happy with the speed
- optimize the speed
- autodesk to dreamworks
- dreamworks prima
- built from scratch
- 20 years old
- thread safe
- keeping it thread safe
- whole lot of unit test
- threading bug in the code
- you can fix it
- used tbb a lot -> hitting some limitations
- intel new thing -> sbb(vecotrization)
- check it out after siggraph
DAY 3: AUG 12 2014, TUESDAY
TUESDAY 0945..1045
- amd
- mantle
- new low level programming interface for windows pc
- designed in collaboration with top game developers
- lightweight driver that allows direct access to GPU
- good for big game: battlefield 4
- mantle benefits
- higher graphics performance
- empowering lower spec system
- predictable performance behaviour
- sharing optimizations between PCs and game consoles
- new rendering techniques
- more flexible, can be used on other gpu like intel and nvidia
- why a new api?
- success of the GCN architcture
- uniform d
- many collaboration with gaming industry and AMD
- not a replacement for industry-standard API like DirectX or OpenGL
- success of the GCN architcture
- the small batch problem
- draw calls are generated by the CPU to create work for the GPU
- too many draw calls can make a system CPU-limited, leaving GPU under-utilized
- batchig many objects into a single draw call adds code complexity and constrains artists
- 3-5K draw calls
- 10K draw calls
- draw calls possible with heavy optimizations
- 100K+ -> draw call target with mantle, 60fps
- multi-threading
- multi-threading gmae engines using directx and opengl
- cpu0 -> game
- cpu1 -> render
- cpu2 -> dirver render
- doesn’t scale beyond 2-3 cores
- latency limits performance
- driver thread often boecomes a bottleneck
- with mantle
- cpu0 -> game
- cpu1 -> render
- cpu2 -> render
- .. cpu5 -> render
- scale linearly with number of cores
- minimal latency
- no driver thread overhead
- MANTLE core features
- app-controlled execution model
- generalized resources
- monolithic pipelines
- fiexlible memory management
- page talbe remapping
- hybrid resource binding model
- bindless -> huge in next
- MANDTLE extended features
- advanced flow control
- advanced anti-aliasing functions
- multi-device support
- asynchronous compute
- prog graphics application potential to use mantle
- graphics api overhead
- large/complex cad & DCC models consist of many individual assemblies, not easy or in many cases
- AEC models of complex
- Mantle reduces API overhead, avoiding inefficient state changes between those
- multi-threading
- memory management
- cloud/vdi solutions may require more efficient use of graphics memory, partitioning, allocation,etc
- mantle can provide
- fast syncronization between compute eigne and graphic engines
- drive optimizations
- avoid driver bottlenects
- dumb driver
- data transfer control over PCIE
- optimzations
- optimize shader code to gain performance
- use highly optimized code for specific
- vertical market segments where mantle can help
- cad, medical
- to get the evaulation copy of firepro mantle driver
- [email protected]
- firepro developer sdk
- intel is approaching to them
- graphics api overhead
- needs a slide
- it’s a replacement of opengl or directx
- will it be good? not sure
TUESDAY 1100..1200
- what’s new in maya 2015 ext 1
- could import with dropbox a 123?
- openubdiv surface
- alembic
- biforost -> prt
- xgen
- rendering
- vp2.0
- color management
- maya hardware can be saved as exr
retopology options
- auto and guided retopology – mudbox
- cloud integration: reality capture data <- maya 2015 ext 1
- gpu caching
- data exchanging
- maya quad draw -> manual retopology
MAYA 2015 new modeling toolkit
- Mesh Editing Tools:
- Target Weld
- Mesh Editing Tools:
new boolean
- will give you cut and uv will be there too
- gemoetry + texture
new reduce tool
- looks good, poly reduction
- make nice clean geometry
- some triangles, ngons quad -> click quad draw tool in modeling tools
- hit magnet tool
- and use quad draw
how to clean the dense scan model data
file -> send to unity, send to unreal
file -> game exporter
fbx review tool: free download
file -> cloud import/export => a360, 123D, dropbox
pipleline cache -> gpu ahe export -> exported to alembic
grab mesh
use magnet tool
quad draw tool
dragging and draw the quads
remeshing the surface
relax tool
soft seletion
sticking to the original surface
transfer map option
look at uv first
new uv editor
- plannar mapping
- grab edge of the head
- cut and open up the head
- fenecing
- unfold3dunfold
- unfold3d optimize
supports ptex file
- get the slide
- trynew modeling tool
- ptex
- try export to alembic
TUESDAY 1230..0130
- OSL open shading language from sony image works
- more renderers and apps
- released OSL 1.5
- reparameter (enables lookdev tools)
- shadergroup – specific attributes
- per-group renderer output
- re
- featured change: group pickling
- send the param as a string
- serilized a shader group
- archive a shaer group, inluding .oso file
- debugging
- benchmarking/ optimization target
- can be run with testshader or other tools – no renderer needed!
- on deck
- make it faster for SIMD-oriented renderers:
- output cuda kernels somehow
- optimized new usage cases
- ecosystem
- new version of renderman
- renderman RIS & OSL wayne wooten
- native ray trace renderer
- whats’ RIS?:
- integrators,
- VCM bi-directional path tracer
- glass, skin, disney
- patterns
- osl, SeExpr, Texture, Voronoise
- Why RIS?
- visual effects, 2014
- simplfy workflow
- fast feedback
- easy to use
- heavy gemoetry
- volumes & particles
- raytrace everything
- typical day at work
- check last night’s renders
- dailies
- breaks
- meetings/ coffee
- make it pretty(4h)
- launch nightly build
- 4-6 hours to get things done of your time
- *** image from a wooden clock from carbon frame
- oak feeding Disney BXDF
- from Michel J. Anders
- carbon fiber feeding Blend BXDF
- from v0ray examples
- backdrop 1 line simpletex.osl
- OSL api is easy to use
- oak feeding Disney BXDF
- OSL UDIM Texture
- used in Mari
- stands for U-dimension
- UDIM(u,v) = 1000 + (10*u) + v + 1
- used in Mari
- OSL UDIM Texture
- written in c++
- OSL UDIM Texture
- original naive implementation was very slow
- vtune to the rescue
- threading took a hit( multi-thread usting)
- string manipulation was shlow
- what to do?
- bottleneck was OSL codebase
- discussed with Larry Gritz
- just under a week it ran fast
- original naive implementation was very slow
- OSL UDIM Texture
- open source really works
- Evaluation Results
- OSL pros
- feels ‘homey’ to RSL users
- targeted language and features
- avoids plugin versionitis
- OSL cons
- disngle point, lack of SIMD/coherence
- JIT time
- LLVM targets,
- OSL pros
OSL Gaffer
- John Haddon, imageengine
- What’s gaffer?
- applicationf framework for VFX
- node based
- open source (BSD)
- cortex,
- two birds
- gaffer -> lots of node, to manipulate scene hirerace
- none for deforming each objs
- need to allow
- play with OSL
- no renderer suppported it
- loading shaders
- search for shaders on env[“OSL_SHADER_PATHS”]
- build menu
- search for shaders on env[“OSL_SHADER_PATHS”]
- node graph
- executing shaders
- conver node network to OSL::shadingAttribState
- implement renderservices::get_attributes() to provide access to prim vars and image channels
- call shading system::execute() with fake shaderglobals
- convert colsurecolor result ack to prim vars and image channels
- abuse debug() closure
- noise
- show some demo
- further work
- UI implenetation
- optimisation
- using osl as a shading language
- image convolution/ edge access
- nei
- general heckenberg? animal logic
- physically based renderman pipeline => with renderman
- very successful in 4-5 studios
- “lego movie”
- plastic -> lighting directions, specular lights
- retraining the renderer translator
- shader translation
TUESDAY 0200..0300
- BOF, alembic
- no major releases
- moved to github/alembic/alembic
- a little more collaboration
- focus on stability, optimization
- a few improvement, namespace support,
- slow dev now.
- will add hooks on importer and exporter
- doulbe precision issue
- game use abc becuase it contains more info than fbx
- check out github repo
TUESDAY 0300..0400
- vray: sig: vray day1: Digital Domain | Rendering Heavy Assets: X-Men’s RFK Stadium
- merged light cache
- only 1 gi compuattion for the whole sequence
- tree
- 400 individual trees
- billons of polygons
- 42 species,
- speed tree -> speedbridge => sent to DD pipeline
- lookdev done in maya and 7vray
- vray proxy -> full gemoetry -> vrayproxy
- super fast scene handling
- fast export and renders
Tehe RFK Stadium
- lidar scan to sue as modeling reference
- stadium size adjusted to fit over the whilehouse and match the live action
- 40k vs 60k seats
- main strcutre: concnreat
- small details: lights, air con boxes, pipies and seats
- split into 7 sections
- shading and textures applied to what’s in camera only
- keep the geo -> for gi calc
- blew shading and texture
- textures are from
- lookdev done in maya & vray
destroying everything, stadium
- stadium lifted by its metallic structure
- use of our deferred render pipieline to render the seat
- create a vrscene for a single seat -> one vrscene contains geo, mtl, tex
- massive open file format
- CDL rigging description
- APF aniamtion info
- render
- load vrscene ->
- landed stadium
- destoyed stadium modelling from FX drop simulation
- new faces created for the inside parts of the cube
- no uvs on the new faces
- first step ->
- rgb mask color set in the vrayproxy accessed via vrayvertexcolor node
- world space noise not “sticking” to the geometry
- adding ‘rest’ attribute as another color set
- noise mapped on the inside faces using rest color set as coordinate space
- deep images
- smoke coming out from houdini
- all renders done with vray
- breaking up was all done in houdini
- vgo
- tree -> proxy, geo proxy
- render at 2K or 3K
- using the external render time
- amazon ec2?
- rendering everything in house
- render with vrimage and convert to exr
- should apply on the farm
- one gi computation
- vrayproxy
- CDL, APF, vrscene
TUESDAY 0345..0445
- Gaffer: vfx
- kartick will go, i won’t
TUESDAY 0400..0500
- renderfarming
- file size -> use isilon
- cloud -> use managed service and set up the bandwidth
WEDNESDAY 0900..1000
- user case SVA AT NYC
- open pipeline
- priority
- render speed
- job frame count
- thesis prgoress
- submission time
- limit by the users
- improvement
- using shutgon
- monitoring student progress
- crunch time
- tracke
- pipelinefx -> cube
- they are using shotgun and cube
- future impromvemnt
- utilizae asset managmentment
- seamless progcessing
- better integration with shotgun
- work and render over chould services
- limit concurrent jobs per student
- assign individual render days for seniors
- show eta all the time
- how many threads per job
- hyperthreading
- utilizae asset managmentment
- render management software
- discussion points
- automation vs learning the manual way
- universal pipeline management system for education
- windows
- use AD to control user directory
- qube -> tag the job with your name
- qubeproxy user -> service
- how to define # of threads
- way to scale the job
- check out “open pipeline”
- check out the thread per job and hyperthreading
WEDNESDAY 1000..1100
- openscenegraph
- state of play : robert osfield
- all the stuff will be on the OSG website
- osg-3.2.1 stable release
- JMVP joint medical visualization project
- digital learning foundation -> go check the website
- volume rendering
- scripting
- osg ui
- using qt5
- improvements
- script support
- create custom widgets in lua
- create behaviours/callbacks in lua
- modifying scene graphi within lua
- complete user interface in lua
- osg-3.4 release plan
WEDNESDAY 1030..1130
- study on the cloud rendering
- guy from a montreal
- chris -> director of technology digital domain, 20 yeras,
- coal peterson -> business render
- -> studio cloud
- dave psoar -> softimage, autodesk, mentalray, ILM Rnd in light and rendering. in montreal
- daren gran -> consultant, CTO DD, CTO dreamworks animation
- dashboard and monitoring
- render farm -> squeze every dollar out
- becomes like a noise function
- visualization of the realtime data is really important
- IO, cpu, swap, thread
- loving islon
- next gen animaiton session ->
- creative iteration -> and fit them in budget
- human engineering
- cloud
- manager in the cloud
- all thing in the cloud?
- SAS ->
- overflow render workers
- amazon DWS
- performance issue?
- configuration nightmare
- studio cloud
- join AWS submit
- C-section
- new industry
- user interface of the future render farm
- web based is way to go
- open up
- concerned about the security
- they can’t see the name of the jobs from the other showss
- RESTapi
- control apis, browsers
- next gen ui customization -> web based
- commercial product
- are you happy customer?
- reporting, artists friendlyness,
- rendering 2D
- error reporting
- look up the log or python traceback
- different ui for different departments
- scheduling interesting in animal logic
- bulk of the jobs are rendering but processing
- singular of inhouse schedular
- optimization
- utilization? throwput?
- compute scheduling, render scheduling
- segarate all of your data
- connect the file
- gamifying the submission
- web view ->
- public shaming
- sprung and elastic search
- pixar -> john, susan fong,
- digital domain ->
- pipeline -> event driven
- rabbit mq
- using event backend and render management
- hooking up the scheduling based
- properl data coming in
- stats dat
- graphis
- gpu computing
- really great at gi computing -> beauty pass
- depends on the the projects
- evolve so fast
- problem with the driver
- nvidia open c??
- dedicate the
- very diverse
- dollar intensive
- low cost commotiy
- get the info about next gen animation sessionx
- join AWS submitt ->
- add security in the crazyq.. per projects, login based
WEDNESDAY 1130..0130
- exhibitions
WEDNESDAY 0130..0230
cg in usa + canada
- full sail university, winter park, florida
WEDNESDAY 0100..0200
- vray: method stuido
- transforer movie
- fx
- on volumentric elements simulated in houdini and rendered in vray
WEDNESDAY 0200..0300
- vray talk
- ILM, Jan, captain america
- using vray for katana
- vray – 3 years, gi-joe
- using render man for a while
- started doing alembic
- check out open image io
WEDNESDAY 0300..0400
- vray talk
- scannline, 300
- 25 years in cg, 5 yrs in
- max and maya pipeline
- vray is a core, used since v1
- flowline => major scanline tool -> tightly integrated with vray
- scannline
- goes to custom vray shader
- 8K texrtures
- ??? exr
- change some of the animations
- vray shader out of box works well
- flowline -> watersolver, fluid solver,
- fire, smoke and water
- anything takes less than 12 hours in the farm
- questions
- reusing fx sim -> can’t do
- incamera depth of field ->
- vray-RT
- check out flowline
- ask hubbard about this?
- ask hubbard about the best texture format for vray
WEDNESDAY 0400..0500
- vray talk
- kevin marko, chaos group
- kevin, sup blur 12 years
- blur reel 2013 lorez
- league of legends
- bioshock infinity
- load of the rings
- batman and justice league
- starwars
- halo
- starwars
- batman archam night
- game trailer
- WB -> rocksteady was a client
- they have game models in progress
- hair -> vray hair system
- hair shader
- love architectures -> can save the geo
- looped the building 800,000 lights
- more shader test
- all animation done by the mocap
- thor 2 prologue
- thrusday morning
- concept design
- helmet, shield
- got digital doubles from vfx
- upraise them
- used vray skin texture to create skin variation and differnt morph targets
- making hugo
- creating a cloud
- card changing to the different camera view
- showing different angle of the image sequences based on the camera
- battlefield look dev
- nuke and mari pipeline
- construct
- nvidia
- entirly gpu rendering project
- vray -rt gpu
- 500 sec -> 45 sec renders
- GPU rendering
- small team
- massive computational power
- small footprint
- make it more responsive
- vray rt -> only on max?
- rendering final
- renderd in 5 days
- 3x 3dboxx 4920 ->
- 3x nvidia k6000’s
- 6x nvidia k40s
- 3dboxx 4920 gpu edition
- construct teaser at 4K, stereo, 60fps
- used nvidia vca cluster
- reduced a 10 year workstations cpu -> 5 days
- 14 min on single vca
- took 9.5 hours on vray cpu
- VCA ??
- vray for motion builder
- virtual camera capture
- ability to capture a virtual camera location
- compose in real time to photorealistic scenes
- realtime rendering is happening in motion builder
- roughly around $20,000
- renderd in 5 days
- how did you get a fund?
- sponsers -> boxx, nvidia, chaos group, autodesk motion builder,
WEDNESDAY 0500..0700
- opengl es 3.1
- 11 years of opengles
- 2002 working group
- 2003 1.0
- 2004 1.1
- 2007 2.0
- 2012 3.0
- 2013 3.1
- what’s new since sig 2013
- release 3.1 at GDC
- es 3.1 goals
- bringing ogl 4.x to mobile
- game-changing functionality: compute shaders, indirect drawing
- other advanced featured
- enable very rapid adoptation
- expose hidden capabilities of current devicds
- backward compatibility with es 2.0/3.0
- run on any es 3.0 HW
- improve application portability
- tighter specs means less undefined behaviour
- ever stricter conformance testing
- bringing ogl 4.x to mobile
ogl es 3.1 overview
- bill qualcom
- what’s new
- compute shaders
- tighly coupled graphics and GPU computing
- draw-indirect
- draw command parameters from memory instead of from args
- SSO (separate)
- compute shaders
- compte shader basics
- opencl, opengl
- use gpu for general purpose computing
- new single-stage pipeline, separate from the graphics pipeline
- opg es
- create a thread per vertex and a thread per fragment
- glDispatch Compute()
- SSBOs shader storage buffer objects
- images
- like texture, but writable
- 4 image binidng points
- image atomics avail as ext
- serialziation and synchronization primitives
- atomic counters
- shader memory barriers
- api memory barriers
- draw-indirect
- new way to dispatch work on gpu
- draw call parameters stored in gpu memory
- glDrawArraysindirect()
- glDrawElementsindirect()
- glDispatchComputeIndirect()
- useful for draw parameters set by GPU
- for example, in a compute shader
- new way to dispatch work on gpu
- separate shader objects
- mix and match vertex shaders and fragment shaders
- Texture features
- multisampled textures
- stencil textures
- textrue gather
- shader language features
- array of arrys
- int a[2][3[4]
- explict uniform location
- layout(location=0) in vec4 position; // vertex shader
- layout(location=2) out vec4 diffuse; //
- shader bitfield ops
- extract, insert, reverse, pack/unpack, count, lsb, msb
- extended precision support
- frexp / ldexp
- shader helper invocation
- bool gl_helperinvocation
- array of arrys
ogles 3.0 ecosystem rollout
- implementaions from every major mobile GPU vendor
- tools, docs, sdks, etc
- platform:
- ios 7, iphone 5s >
- android 4.3
- unity mobile survey: 8% -> 21% adoptation
- rollout es 3.1
- doc, sdk, emulator, tools
- imageination, nvida, qualcomm
- platform support
- adroid L
- android extension pack, ASTC textures, etc
- conformance test improvements
- updated es 3.0 conformance relased in jan 2014
- es 3.1 con is live 6 june 2014
- 13 submissions from
- arm, imagination, intel, nvidia, qualcomm, vivante
- desktop: intel, nvidia
- reference compiler
- now supports virtually all of GLSL ES 3.1
- compute shader
- (minus arrays of arrays)
- images
- atomic counters
- texture gather
- texture LOD
- .. and mores
#version 310es
layout(localsize z= 1000) in;
void main()
glslangValidator: test.comp
- see -> refernce compiler
basemark os I opengl es 3.1
- rightware 2009 finland,
- biz area
- ui creation tool, kanzi solutions
- systems and chip performance evaluation software
- ogles 3.1 test overview -> avil Q4 2014
- demo
- water using compute shader
- particles 10000
- post -processing
- bloom, dof, anitializsing,e vignette
- deferred lighting G-buffer
google android extension pack (AEP)
- google android extension pack (AEP)
- android L mandates ogl es 3.1
- aep es3.1 extensions
- aep
- tessellation
- geometry shaders
- ASTC texture compression + more
- AAA grpahics effects
- global illumination
- physically-based shading
- deferred rendering
- HDR tone mapping
- smoke and particle effects
GFXBench Car Chase Preview – OpenGL ES 3.1 + AEP
- hdr deferred rendering pipeline
- phycially-based shading
- DOF and motion blur
- 4k and astc support
GLES compute shader vs OpenCL
next gen opengl initiative
will talk a lot about why???
opengl is a huge success
problems with ogl today
- gl programming model deosn’t match with modern gpu architeture
- arcane and archanic syntax
- legacy
- needless complexity
- cpu intensive
- state validation, dependency tracking, error checking
- hard to predict where cpu load will occur – varies with implementation
- not multicore-cpu-friendly
- primitive threading model, inconsisitenlty implemented
- it’s broken right now
- implementation variability
- spec looseness
incremental change is not enough
goal on next gen
- clean, modern architecture
- multi-thread /multicore friendly
- reduce cpu overhaead
- architurecture-neutral
- predictable performance
- improved reliability and consistency
key design principle: explicit control
- apllicaiton is telling the driver what it wants
- Tom Olson -> Chair
- Bill Licea-Kane(Qualcomm) -> Language chair
- Graham Sellers(AMD) and Jeff Bolz(nvidia) -> API editor
who’s on board
- sony, pixar, oculs, blizzard, epic games, ea, apple, unity, google, EA, RTT, amd, qualcomm
- samsung, nvidia, imagination, , broadcom, arm, amd, hicorp, vivante, valve
OpenGL ecosystem support in Unity
democratizing games
demo game: ios “monument valley”
feature unity 5.0
- deploy to webgl
unity multiplatform deployment
[ios, android, windows, ps, web, xbox, wii, browsers, linux]
platform not using opengl backend
=> playstation, xbox,
driver support
drivers and supports
- nvidia 340.52
- amd 14.7 rc1
- intel
- mesa 10.2.2
- macosx 10.9.4
opengl 4.2 is on most driver
reevaluation the opengl implementations
- now it’s good
opengl in unity
- extensions
- gl_arb_es2_compatibiliyt
- gl_arb_es3_compatibility
- gl_arb_es3_1_compatibility
- gles 4.1/ gl 4.3 or 4.2 + compute shader stuff
- player base level-> es2.0
- editor base level-> gl3.2
- extensions
next ecosystem
- 600K monthly ative users
- 750K registered
- 3 million registered developers
engine, support, learn, cloud, community, asset store
[glnext, ogl, dx, libgnm, mantle, metal]
3 speakers
- Johan Andersson, TD, Frostbite – EA
- John McDonald, Valve
- gl is important
- valve
- valve did
- steam for linux
- steam runtime
- steamos
- VOGL -> debugger
- valve contributed
- glslang
- LunarGLASS/ LunarGOO -> help opengl debugging
- valve did
- portal on android
- uses ogles 2.x
- grpahics today
- direct3d is the primary on desktop
- only on windows
- tied to os ded10/11 are vista_
- dx11 -> 87%
- dx10.1 -> 15%
- dx10 -> 13%
- dx9 -> 4%
- gl distribution
- ogl 4.4 -> 67%
- gl 3.3 -> 29%
- gl 3.1 -> 4%x
- glnext is shaping up
- new and modern api
WEDNESDAY 1030..1200
- global vr meetup
WEDNESDAY 1200..1300
- Still Handling Very Large Data Sets – to Mars and Beyond, nasa, db&w finest plugins
- Managing very large datasets, with an emphasis on planetary visualization, at the media lab at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory – a journey from the past to future.
- We’ll be talking about the use of very large datasets at the JPL as well as large datasets in general. We’d love to see you joining us there.
- bmw, JPL
- topics
- history of tiled megatextures
- current state of tiled / megatextures
- tecnical challenges
- future challenges
- other datasets
- basic principle of tiled-megatextures
- mipmaps
- different requirements
- offline/ prouction rendering
- realtime
- offline / production rendering
- pixar (surprise) textrue on demand
- peachey 1990 PRMan 3.0 / tin toy et. al
- achivement unlocked: tour de france 2000
- starwars ep2
- pod racing sequence (1999)
- ideas spread a lot quicker
- realtime
- clipmapping -> ** term for mipmaps
- terravision
- keyhole(wow!) / google earth
- quick diversion: legal minefields
- games: IdTech 5 -> jon carmac used this
- Idtech5/rage
- one huge texture -> changed the way level artists are working
- state of the art
- common feature in production renderers
- offten due to using the open source opeinimage io lib
- some home-made solutions as well
- mainstream in games
- idtech5 and rage as a tech showcase
- directly supported in state of the art apis
- improved tools for texture artists
- common feature in production renderers
- technical challenges
- focus on production rendering
- multiple cores
- cache management
- io management
- io bandwidth
- use in rendering (ie displacement)
- suitability of image file formats -> exr, tif are fine..
- focus on production rendering
- future challenges
- io and cpu power grows and rhe requirements
- gpu rendering/computing
- other large datasets
- meshes
- huge single meshees
- repeated meshes
- procedureal meshes
- terrain, displacement
- particles
- large scale rendering – Manuka/Arnold
- two renders has mesh compression of meshes
- meshes
- huge single meshes
- in memory compression
- load on demand, segment to mesh parts
- spatting (for viewing of point clouds, qsplat)
- volumetric solutions
- repeated meshes
- instancing
- procedural meshes
- “cheap” to recreate during the render or may be traced directly:
- terrain
- displacements
- meshes
- meshes: terrains
- tesslate, optimize
- meshes/point clouds: splatting
- volumetric rendering
- [email protected]
- research huge texture technology used in rage 5 from idtech