Often I ran into this, so here are the steps to set up the ignore files in command line or in a shell.
svn add *
svn revert myfolder
svn revert --depth infinity myfolder
export SVN_EDITOR=nano
svn propedit svn:ignore . // this will bring up editor, add the file names to be ignored.
When adding new xcode project into svn repository: Let’s say the project name is “helloapple” and user name is “myuser”.
cd helloapple svn add _ svn revert —depth infinity ./build svn revert helloapple.xcodeproj/mysuer.mode_ svn revert helloapple.xcodeproj/myuser.pbxuser svn revert helloapple.xcodeproj/myuser.perspectivev3 export SVN_EDITOR=nano svn propedit svn:ignore .
When editor opens up, add these lines
build helloapple.xcodeproj/mysuer.mode* helloapple.xcodeproj/myuser.pbxuser helloapple.xcodeproj/myuser.perspectivev3
And finally, commit the changes
svn ci -m “refs #1000, modified the svn ignore pattern”