6pm - 7pm: Guest checkin & NDA signing, mingling, eating & drinking
7pm - 7:30: @anmolm_ - React at Postmates
7:30 - 8pm: @devongovett - React with Parcel
8pm - 8:30: @jamiebuild - The Cost of Transpiling
React with Parcel
- Why Parcel?
- webpack replacement
- similar to webpack,
- zero configuration
- support for HTML, CSS, JS
- code splitting
- blazing fast
parcel index.html
install stylus => new css way?
parcel build index.html --detailed-report
- complete rewrite
- entirly new plugin system
- optionally configurable
- improved core data structure
- even more scalable for large apps
- split out plugins into separate npm packages
parcel2 config example
parcel2 plugins
- resolvers
- transformers
- bundlers
- namers
- runtimes
multiple targets
- legacy browser build and modern browser build targets
aautomatic code splitting
- no manual configuration for code splitting
- bundler plugins allow custom logic to group assets into bundles
- default bundler will support async import(), automatic bundle sharing when asset used in multiple bundles
I/ML assisted code splitting
action item
- parcel seems cool, let’s try it out
- stylus css, let’s try this too

The Cost of Transpiling
- babel
- designing babel
- usually creates more lines during traspiling
- 98b to 4187b
- minified
- 89b min to 2210b min + 2473%
- 500 babel-compiled files starts at 1MB
- what about gzip
- nothing really matters
- node_fucking_moudles
- https://browserl.ist
- google “barbel-runtime”
- google “terser js”