Dave Evans, PlayCanvas
Andrew Best, Toyota Research Inc,
Alban Denoyel, Sketchfab
Ricardo Cabello, Three.js
Gary Hsu, Microsoft
Robert Long, Mozilla
Vangelis Kokkevis (Toyota Research Inc.) - Vangelis and team will present TRI's autonomous car driving visualizations, powered by CesiumJS, 3D Tiles, glTF, and WebGL!
Alban Denoyel (Sketchfab) - Alban will present Sketchfab's latest visual improvements and features such as configurators, making it the ideal choice for product visualization on the web!
Dave Evans (PlayCanvas): Dave will discuss the latest features in the PlayCanvas engine, including integrated, collaborative version control for your entire game and all of its assets!
Ricardo Cabello (Three.js) - Ricardo will present the latest advancements in the ubiquitous Three.js library, including enhancements to its physically-based rendering model which make web graphics look better than ever before!
Gary Hsu (Microsoft) - Gary will be presenting the latest developments in Babylon.js including support for ECMAScript 6 modules, our experiences using the WebGL multiview extension in Babylon.js and latest updates to tools for debugging WebGL and glTF.
Robert Long (Mozilla): Robert will present an update on Hubs, the Spoke editor, and how the team has optimized Hubs for use on standalone VR headsets and mobile devices.
07:00 Browser Team, Ken Russel, Google
- Filament -> physically based rendering
- Wolfensteine -> on webgl
- try webgl 2.0
- KHR_parallel
- Multi-Draw
- WEBGL_Multi_draw extension
- WEBGL_Video_texture
- WebGL in Multi-threaded WebAssembly
07:09 Dave Evans, PlayCanvas
07:18 Andrew Best, Toyota Research Inc,

07:30 Sketchfab, Enter new dimensions
- Alban Denoyel, Sketchfab [email protected]
- https://sketchfab.com
- 1 billion page views, 2 million 3d models, 2 million users
- store turns 1 year old
- 100+ selleers are making $1000
- download api
- 180k+ 3d gltf format
- download your own models
- sketchfab MASSIVE
- viewer api
- v1.5
- demos.sketchfab.com/clients/audi/index.html
- realtime shader
- ground shader
- clear coat
- model inspector
- bone inspector, bone influence
- screen space reflection, follman 2.0G
- anisotropy
7:40 three.js
- Ricardo Cabello, Three.js @mrdoob
- neverending david
- git/talks/gdc-meetup-2019/index.html
- three.js - 9th year
- featurd projects
- What’s new
- monthly release, r102 latest
- canvasrenderer, don’t use it
- chinese localization
- lookingglass support
- javascript modules
- github three.js-sandbox example
- three.legacy.d.ts
- api clean up, gltf loader
- editor PWA https://threejs.org/editor
7:52 Energy Compensation in three.js
8:00 babylon.js
0817 Social VR on the web with Mozilla Hubs
that’s all
- slides will be available on khronos wiki